Well the garden did surprisingly well despite the low sun are this year. You can skim the whole photo album here https://picasaweb.google.com/114575782978731528380/2012GardenProject?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Sam’s garden did well also, she is getting some good stuff growing! Had one strawberry survive varmint pillaging and she snagged it and ate it just when it turned red. She loved it! All the cabbage was munched down though. 🙁 The eggplant is really coming in too! She doesn’t eat it so we’ll probably fry it up for a snack for me when she picks it. 🙂
From 2012 Garden Project |
The tomato plant has grown up, out and over the wire mesh and has yielded some tasty relatively seedless tomatoes. The green pepper plant is doing well although the wife told me to let them grow bigger before pulling them. They have good flavor and actually have a bit of a bite to them. The yellow pepper still hasn’t bloomed but that is on the border of not much sun in a day. The cucumbers were small and only got 2 but they are in the shadows so didn’t expect much. The hot peppers came in later and my son says they are hot so I’m not trying them!
Some pictures that I haven’t put in previous posts:
From 2012 Garden Project |
From 2012 Garden Project |
From 2012 Garden Project |
Next year I get a spot out front in full sun!!!